Wednesday, May 8, 2013

A little late, but better than never...

As most of you know I did a personal 30 Day Shred Challenge to lean out.  I do not yet have my results of the inches/body fat lost, but I can say that weight was NOT what I was going for.  I knew that I had been at 167lbs for quite some time now and did not want to feel discouraged after the 30 days were up.  Although I may have made a big impact on the body fat lost as well as inches, I am proud to say I went from 167lbs to 162.5!!!

Cinco de Mayo is one of my favorite holidays besides Halloween (let's face it, I absolutely LOVE Mexican food!) so I was a little worried about what impact that would make on my results.  Because I was able to stay on track with my Herbalife nutrition program, I ate what I wanted which included:  carne asada taco on a flour tortilla, 2 kabobs, Spanish rice, TWO cupcakes and a few beers with some Sangria.  Boy, I was going on a splurge and I felt so guilty in my mind but I was enjoying it.  Monday I went to the gym and got on that scale and to my surprise I was still at 162!!

Staying on track is the BIGGEST thing!  You can have that cheat meal once in a while and there is nothing wrong with that, if you don't enjoy something good from time to time you will go too far when you do splurge, then you start feeling guilty and that guilt will only make it worse to bring you back where you started from the beginning.  Staying on track with fitness is a MUST, no matter if you were good that day or good all week!  Working out at least 3 times a week is where you should be at.  I never used to work out when I played roller derby, but now I find when I skate on the track I may be a little sore at first but I skate harder and faster now!

Don't let injuries get in your way either!  If you find the right trainer or the right routine, you can work around it!  I have a bad knee and a really bad shoulder.  I still push it from time to time but I do not let it get in the way of my work outs!  NO EXCUSES!!

I want to be here for you, I want to help you to be on track and lose that weight.  I want to make you feel as good as I feel!  Please let me know if there is anything I can do for you.  Even a simple FREE consultation will even help give you an idea of where you need to be or the steps you need to take to get started.  Email me at to get you started!  SUMMER IS COMING!  Get that bikini bod NOW!


You NEED protein in every meal you eat!  It helps to fight off that bad body fat and it breaks down into amino acids.  Those amino acids are important for building muscle and blood.  Also, protein will help with injuries..  when your body sustains an injury, such as a cut, protein helps with tissue repair.  Along with carbohydrates, protein provides energy for the body which helps keep us from becoming fatigued. Another one of the benefits of protein is helping the body fight off illness and disease and keeping the immune system functioning properly.